Month: February 2009

  • Exploiting inefficiencies in the secondary BTFE market, part 2

    So, back in November of last year, I wrote a post about buying up Box Tops for Education (BTFE) from eBay and then reselling them. Back then I bought a coupon for 1000 BTFE for $81 and was attempting to sell it for $119.99. I tried 2 auctions back in November and did not sell…

  • I gave her the ol’ blood pressure arm switcheroo!

    So two things to mention today. First of all early this morning I had a health examination by a nurse? for a life insurance policy. We are getting life insurance policies so we can both bump each other off and roll in the proceeds. So, she’s asking me lots of health-related questions as well as…

  • License Plate Scavenger Hunt

    So back last summer when we made our trip to the Groesbeck reunion in North Carolina, one of the things I came up with was a license plate scavenger hunt to occupy some time in the car. Of course I am not the first person to come up with this idea, but Dan’s First Law…

  • I demanded a new apostle song, and they delivered!

    So, as you may remember, back in December when Joseph B. Wirthlin died, I posted a “demand” for a new apostle song. I was actually surprised that more Mormon-themed blogs did not at least mention the fact that a new apostle song was needed. But in any case, this afternoon I got a comment on…

  • Some blog updates

    So I spent some time working on the blog this evening. A few weeks ago I did a little blog makeover. There were a few things that I left somewhat unfinished then and I think I may have fixed some of those. I fixed the width of the archive and category drop downs in the…

  • In which I invite the lady behind me in line at Staples to shut right up

    So I took the kids out to the mall-ish area this evening to give their mom a break. And to look for coins of course!!! (6 quarters, 3 dimes, 1 nickel and 8 pennies – the coin cycle baby!). Also I wanted to stop by Staples. I had gotten a $10 off $10 coupon for…

  • Suing telemarketers, take 1

    So for a few months I have done some research on suing telemarketers. There are a few examples on the web about regular people successfully suing (and even collecting!) from telemarketers who violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA). A few months ago after reading up on this, I even went so far…

  • Another change spotter

    Check out this article from CNN.  A Staten Island family has found over $1100 in 3 1/2 years.  I did look at their blog, which is at, looking for ideas, but didn’t find any. I’m sure they get more just from being in NYC where there are just more people.